Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Down to the Wire

Well, it is down to the wire. In two and a half weeks is the first raceof the year - 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo or 24HITOP as we call it.
I'm realizing how very close to race day it is and how very little time I have to complete my training. And by very little time I don't just mean how many days left before the race. I have more to do today that there is time to complete - yes I know, so why am I choosing now to blog. So I am having to focus very hard on making sure I get my training in first and then decide what will get completed and what will get sacrificed.
I was real confident, I'm hoping I remain really confident, that I can meet my goals for 24HITOP. I have been working hard on my feuling and recovery during training. So far I can honestly say that during rides I feel stronger and like I am not fatiguing as fast. Both Dr. Ross' book and Hammer nutrition are to be thanked for this. In fact, I was finally able to make the switch from a plus 3 to plus 2 gear ration on the singlespeed for the local trails with the longer and steeper grade climbs. And I even was able to keep up with my geared riding pal the other day. These are great signs; however, these are just my training rides and my local rides, not 24 hours worth of riding. So needless to say...I got a few nerves about endurance capability.
I'll post on Tuesday the 12th and include a link to the real time scoring site for the race. I'll be racing solo singlespped and am the only Big Wheel Racing female racing in that category (I did not register as my name but rather as my team name.) Big Wheel is representing big at this race with a duo team, two solo females and I can't remember how many solo males. Other than than chyeck back after January 18th to see how I did.

On the Podium at 24HITOP

On the Podium at 24HITOP
I deserve that beer

First Lap 24 HITOP

First Lap 24 HITOP
Feeling good