Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My momma always warned me

Reason # 104 not to "do" boys: My momma always warned me.. or maybe it was my Dad. Oh, wait the last warning came from my sister. Yeah that's right, my sister warned me about boys. She's married to one, so she ought to know, right? So, this week despite what I though was a very simple contract with a bunch of local boys - I now realize boys can't read - I was asked what camp kitchen I was providing 6+ boys. So I had to repeat myself, I'm no boys mom, sister, girlfriend, or mother. So at 24HiTOP boys bring their own gear and care for themselves. I will do my best to "hold" camp space, but I will NOT do anything else for boys.
Finished with boy drama - no wait, just when you though you were in the clear...boy thinks you can ride faster than him, despite lots of online statistical information (boys live by that, correct?) and your telling boy (we all know they don't hear girls, but they should get the stats right?) boy wants me to ride faster than him. So at this moment I declare 24HiTOP off next year's ride list. If I could I would beg out this year - well, ok we all know me, no I wouldn't - but come on.
So, gals - please redeem my love for 24HiTOP for next year.....


ojulius said...

Good luck out there and ride faster than the stupid boys!!! :)

F.W. Adams said...

Ignore boys--we is dumm! Ride, dammit, ride!

F.W. Adams said...

Yeah, different in a stoopid and dummb kinda way! ;o)

But, thanks for giving us more credit than perhaps we deserve!

On the Podium at 24HITOP

On the Podium at 24HITOP
I deserve that beer

First Lap 24 HITOP

First Lap 24 HITOP
Feeling good